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Sexual Education books imageThe IFPA offers 'once-off' training programme that covers the basics of reproductive and sexual health. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to know more about sexual health or service providers such as teachers, carers, youth workers and HSE staff. The session can be tailored to the needs of the participant group.

This course is now available yearly. The last course occured 28th March 2013.  

We can deliver a comprehensive programme within your own organisation, for further information please contact

Course Content:

  • contraception
  • STIs
  • crisis pregnancy
  • sexual health
  • healthy relationships
  • legislation and the age of consent


"…Upon the completion of the training l had the confidence to pass on the knowledge that l learned. ln the 6 months since the training, l have written a new Sexual Health Policy for my place of work and advocated for condoms to be made available for the young people in our care. l would encourage any professional who works with young people in ANY capacity at all to take this training as it really does help to break down barriers and make discussions around sexual health more natural and manageable."

– Sexual Health Training Participant
