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IFPA Vision, Purpose and Mission

The IFPA’s Strategic Plan ‘Accelerating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ sets out a bold vison, purpose and mission for the organisation for the five-year period, 2024 to 2029.

Our Vision

A world where everyone has equitable access to the highest standards of sexual and reproductive healthcare and where their sexual and reproductive rights are respected and fulfilled.

Our Purpose

To champion sexual and reproductive health and rights by providing specialist services, engaging in advocacy and promoting gender equality.

Our Mission

We provide the highest standards of sexual and reproductive healthcare through our specialist services, focusing on those who experience multiple, intersecting forms of discrimination and ensuring we leave no one behind. We work from a human rights perspective to influence sexual and reproductive health and policy. We work with healthcare professionals, civil society, Irish and international non-governmental organisations and other actors to contribute knowledge and expertise and to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and rights in Ireland and globally.